
89038345_10101762772058409_2584531170624536576_nThanks for coming! Welcome to The Mask Sign. My name is Dominic Lacasse. I have a BA and an MA in Classics and Religious Studies, I speak Latin and Ancient Greek and now this is my blog about UFO’s and ghosts! (If you’re wondering about the title, it’s explained in my project on the Lead Masks case.)

This is a blog about the weirder side of life: everything generally encompassed under the heading of conspiracy theories, Forteana, ufology, and the paranormal. I primarily post in-depth projects on various subjects in the realm of the mysterious and bizarre (with just a soupçon of religion and mysticism.) I really dig into whatever I’m working on so I can provide something more fully fleshed-out than what’s found on shorter-format sites. I try to keep a particular focus on the people at the heart  (and on the edges) of these mysteries. I also try, when possible, to dig up things people haven’t found before and follow leads that others haven’t followed (though I hasten to add that this is an entirely amateur, nearly zero-budget enterprise.)

I try to keep an open mind and encourage my audience to do the same. While I don’t claim to be purely objective, I do try not to lean too much toward any single answer for a given mystery. I think that the question of whether or not a certain Fortean nugget is ‘real’ or ‘true’ has often been given too much weight. Contrary to what a lot of people think, there’s no harm in temporarily and knowingly suspending disbelief to have a little fun. Rather than coming to any firm conclusions of my own, I leave my projects open-ended, capping them off with a two-part conclusion that offers my most sceptical appraisal followed by the most harebrained thing I can think of that reasonably solves the puzzle. My goal is to be too analytical to satisfy the true-believer but also too credulous to placate the sceptic.

I’m a bleeding-heart leftist and I try to be respectful and mindful of all people because that’s a nice thing that people ought to do for one another. This is and will remain a non-bigoted resource and a safe space.

Please take a look at my work! I hope you enjoy. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or suggestions for future projects.